Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Happy Easter

For Easter, I had 3 days off work, which gave me a five-day weekend. I ended up needing to go to work on Monday and Tuesday but it still made for a nice and relaxing weekend. I stayed in Bujumbura except for Saturday when I went on a day trip to a beach about 1 hour outside of the city. I thought it was a very pretty beach with lots of open space a la Burundi (undiscovered by tourists.)

This Friday, we will be receiving our visitors from Australia and they will be with us for a week. In preparing for them and finally trying to get our annual report printed, I ‘ve been a bit busy at work

Last week, I was in Ruyigi once again and it was quite interesting. Up to this point, every time I stayed in Ruyigi, I lodged in the UNHRC guesthouse. I had become very accustomed to that guesthouse, and it had started to feel like a second home. However, now LWF has a rented house, and I stayed there two nights. It was a relatively decent house but nowhere near as nice as the guesthouse. Then I stayed in this convent in the middle of nowhere, and it was very nice. The view was stunning and it felt like an ideal place to go camping. We ate all our meals with the nuns and they were very friendly. I barely talked to them since everyone at the table was speaking in Kirundi (even though they all speak French.) During one of our meals, I heard them say “...muzungu…,” and knowing that they were talking to me I smiled. Then, my co-worker told me that they were saying that I should learn Kirundi so that when I find my Burundian husband I will be able to speak to my in-laws. Ironic that nuns who decided to never marry were telling me that I should learn Kirundi for my future Burundian in-laws.

Here are some pics of Ruyigi, Gisuru and Blue Bay (the beach 1 hour outside of Buj.)field road
Blue Bay beach

View from Gisuru Parish

Hotel at Gisuru Parish

Some boys I met on the road to Gisuru
Monument of Unity in Ruyigi
Bugarama, on the road to Ruyigi

1 comment:

  1. Luwam

    I wonder if you're still stationed in Bujumbura and can help me make contact with some doctors at the hospital or the convent of nuns who serve at the hospital. I would really appreciate your assistance as I volunteer with a DRC asylum seeker in the UK who will been thrown out if we cannot find documents of her stay at the hospital between 2004 and 2008.
    Her situation is now desperate as the courts insist she is Rwandan, and not only will she be sent from UK, but to Rwanda, a country she does not know.
    please mail if you think you can help, or your successor and we can correspond out of the public domain.
    thanking you in advance -
