Saturday, July 17, 2010

11 months

It has been exactly 11 months since I arrived in Burundi. The past eleven months have been really interesting and the time really flew by. So, as I am looking at only 2 more weeks and change in Burundi, here goes 5 things that never ceased to amaze/puzzle/make me laugh in Burundi.

5 How when you say merci, almost every Burudian answers merci aussi, thanking you for thanking them. Makes 'you're welcome' sound so rude.

4. How LWF drivers never get lost on our field trips, when all you see is red roads, and greenness. Seriously, how do you know it is this tiny red road instead of the next one that looks exactly the same.

3. How little kids ( six, seven year olds) carry their younger siblings, who are half their size, on their backs with ease.

2. How if you ask nicely and are willing to pay, you can almost be accomdated in any way. Ex. your boss's gardener can also paint your house.

1. How many people in Ruyigi and Cankuzo wear Eminem shirts. Thank you Eminem, your donation is appreciated by the people of Ruyigi and Cankuzo who have no idea who you are.

On my next post, I will post more things as I will be reflecting in more depth about my one year experience in Burundi. After Burundi, I am heading to Ethiopia for a month for a vacation/family reunion then I will be heading back to VA. Right now, I am preoccupied with finishing things up at work, welcoming and helping my replacement (arriving on Tues) to settle in, enjoying my time left, and finding a job!!!

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