Monday, January 18, 2010


I can't believe the new year is 18 days old! Yesterday was officialy my 5 month mark, and well time flies. In about three weeks, I will be going home which should be lots of fun. The holidays were really interesting. Christmas day, I woke up late and picked up Beza from the bus station (she came from Nairobi via Kigali,) showed her the buja beach and then we had dinner. It was hot and nothing like any christmas I've ever had. After Beza came on Christmas, we spent the next day in Buja and then went on the two day road trip in Burundi. Then,we went to Kigali and spent 4 nights there, including New Year's Eve. We met up with some friends from Princeton and stayed at Beza's family house. It was nice and a good break from Bujumbura.

Since then, life in Buj 2010 is a lot like 2009: work, hang out, work, hang out...I did make one New Year Resolution: to run in the morning on weekdays before work and so far I have been keeping it, even though I am seriously considering changing it.military fort, Rutana Burundi
Kigali, Rwanda

Saga Nyanza, Burundi
Rutana, Burundi
Rutana Burundi
Kigali, Rwanda
Saga Nyanza, Burundi

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